Try out the dropnostix Monitoring System

We are measuring body temperature, movement behavior and digestive activity. These data will be merged and you receive centralized and clear information concerning the cow health status, feeding, calving and heat.

We are looking forward to your inquiry about the dropnostix Monitoring System!

    As soon as we have received your request, we will send you the access data for the dropnostix Monitoring Test-system by mail.

    A sensor
    for healthier cows

    We are measuring body temperature, movement behavior and digestive activity. Based on these data we can determine calving and heat as well as evaluate the feeding and the general health status of the cow.


    Automatic heat detection

    Reliable determination of the optimal insemination time promoting a higher fertility rate.


    Calving prediction

    Early notification for the preparation of calving.


    Measuring standing and laying behaviour

    Individual evaluation of the activity patterns.


    Early detection of diseases

    For the first time interaction of five different parameters for a cow-individual health monitoring.


    Rumen health monitoring

    Feed control and efficient ration composition.


    Analysis of drinking patterns

    Monitoring the quantity of water and the frequency of water uptake.

    Data straight from the rumen

    With our patented system we automate your animal observation. Thereby we provide a health check that enables you to take early action.